All professional or capable physical person at the sense of articles 1123 and following de civil Code, or moral person, who visits the website object of the present general conditions.
Prestation and services: https://www.poral.fr/ put at the clients disposal:
Content: All the elements making the information present on the website, notably texts- images- videos.
Clients informations: below called “information(s)” which corresponds to all of the personal datas likely to be held by https://www.poral.fr/ for the management of your account, for the management of the client relationship and for purposes of analysis and statistics.
Users: internet users connecting using the website above-mentioned
Personal information: “Informations that allows, under any forms, directly or no, the identification of physical persons to which apply (article 4 of the law n°78-17 of January 6, 1978).
The term “datas of personal character”, “concerned person”, “subcontractor” and “sensible datas” have the meaning defined by the general regulation on the datas protection (RGPD: n°2016-679)
1. Website presentation
Under the article 6 of the law n°2004-575 of June 21st 2004 for the trust in the digital economy, it is precise to the users of the website https://www.poral.fr/ the identity of different speackers in the framework of its realisation and it’s follow-up.
Owner: SAS PORAL social capital of 200 000€ VAT number: FR 96 877964973 – Voie des collines 38800 le Pont-de-Claix
Publication manager: Miss Morgane GRAND – morgane.grand@poral.fr
The publication manager is a physical person or a moral person.
Webmaster: Miss Morgane GRAND – morgane.grand@poral.fr
Host: OVH – 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix 1007
Protection of datas representative: Mr. Bastien COQUEL – bastien.coquel@poral.fr
Legal mentions are issued of a proposed model by the free generator by Orson.io
2. General utilisation condition of the website and proposed services.
The website constitutes a work of the mind protected by the dispositions of the Intellectual property code and the International applicable regulations. The client cannot, in any way, reuse, give or exploit for his own account. All or a part of the elements or work of the website.
The use of the website https://www.poral.fr/ implied the acceptance full and complete of the general utilisation conditions are susceptible to be modified or completed at any moment users of the website https://www.poral.fr/ are invited to consult them regularly.
This website is normally accessible at any moment to users. An interruption for technical maintenance reasons can be decided by https://www.poral.fr/, who will strive to communicate previously to the users dates and hours of the intervention. The website https://www.poral.fr/ is regularly updated by https://www.poral.fr/ representatives. In the same way, legal mentions can be modified at any moment: they nevertheless impose themselves to the user who is invited to refer to it most of the times possible to take note.
3. Description of services provided.
The website https://www.poral.fr/ has for objective to provide an information concerning all the activities of the company. https://www.poral.fr/ strive to provides on the website https://www.poral.fr/ informations as precise as possible. However, it cannot be held responsible for oversights, inaccuracies, and deficiencies in the update, whether its his own doing or that of a third party that are giving the informations.
All informations on the website https://www.poral.fr/ are given at indicative title and are susceptible to evolved. Moreover, informations included on the website https://www.poral.fr are not exhaustive. They are given subject to modifications having been brought since their last update.
4. Contractual limitation on technical datas.
The website uses JavaScript technology. The website couldn’t be held responsible for the material damages linked to the utilisation of the website. Moreover, the user of the website commits to access the website using a recent material, containing no virus and with a last generation navigator updated. The website https://www.poral.fr/ is hosted at a service provider on the European Union territory in accordance with the dispositions of the General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD: n°2016-679)
The objective is to bring a service that ensures the best accessibility rate. The host assure the continuity of its service 24 hours a day, every day of the year. Ot reserve, nevertheless, the possibility to interrupt the hosting service for the shortest duration possible notably for maintenance purposes, infrastructure amelioration, infrastructure failure or if prestations and services generate traffic deemed normal.
https://www.poral.fr/ and the host sill is not held responsible in case of discontentment of the internet’s network, telephonic lines or informatic material and telephony linked notably to the clutter of the network preventing the access to the network.
5. Intellectual property and counterfeit.
https://www.poral.fr/ is the host of the rights of the intellectual property and holds usage rights on all elements accessible on the website, notably texts, images, graphism, logos, videos, icons and sounds. Every reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of everything or part of elements of the website, wherever the means or process used is prohibited, except written authorisation of https://www.poral.fr/.
All exploitation non authorised of the website or of one or any element that it contains will be considered has constitutive of a counterfeit and sued in accordance with the provisions of the articles L.335-2 and following of the Intellectual property code.
6. Responsibility limitation.
https://www.poral.fr/ plays as an editor of the website https://www.poral.fr/ is responsible of the quality and the veracity of content that he publishes.
https://www.poral.fr/ will not be held responsible for de direct and indirect damages caused to the user material, during the access to the website https://www.poral.fr/, and resulting either of the utilisation of a material not responding to the specifications indicated in the Point or an apparition of a bug or an incompatibility.
https://www.poral.fr/ cannot be held responsible for the indirect damages (like for example a loss of market share or loss of chance) consecutive at the use of the website https://www.poral.fr/. Interactive spaces (possibility to ask question in the contact space), are at the disposition of the users. https://www.poral.fr/ reserve the right to delete, without warning, all content placed in this space, who would contravene to the applicable legislation in France, particularly at relatives dispositions to the protection of datas. If applicable https://www.poral.fr/ reserve the possibility to question the civil and/ or penal responsibility of the user, notably in case of a message with racist characteristic, insulting, defamatory, or pornographic regardless of the used support (text, photography…)
7. Applicable right and jurisdiction attribution.
Every related dispute with the utilisation of the website https://www.poral.fr/ is submitted of the French law. Outside of the cases where law can’t allow it, it is made exclusive attribution of jurisdiction to the competent court of Annecy.
8. Professional woman-man equality index.
Poral displays an index of woman-man professional equality incalculable on 100 points for the year 2023.