1. Personal datas management.
The client is informed of the regulation regarding the marketing communication, law of june 21st, 2014, for the trust in Numeric economy, the law Informatic and Liberty of August 06,2004, as well as General Data Protection Regulation (RGPD: n°2016-679
1.1 Personal datas collect manager.
For collected personal datas when creating a personal account of the user and its navigation on the website, the personal data treatment manager is: PORAL https://www.poral.Fr/ is represented by Mr. Denis Pugnet, Its legal representative.
As a responsible for processing the data it collects, https://www.poral.fr/ commits to respect the framework of the legal disposition in effect. It is in particular, up to the client to establish the purpose of its data processing, to furnish it propsects and clients, from the collect of their consents, a complete information on their personal datas treatment and to maintain a register if treatment is consistent with reality. Anytime https://www.poral.Fr/ treats personal datas, https://www.poral.fr/ takes every reasonable measures to ensure the exactness of the personal datas relevance with regard to tu purposes for which https://www.poral.fr/ treats them.
1.2 Collected datas purposes
https://www.poral.fr/ is susceptible to treat all or a part of the datas.
To allow the navigation on the website and the management of the traceability of the benefits and services ordered by the user: connection datas and website utilisation, billing, orders historic, etc.
To prevent and to fight against informatic fraud (spamming, hcking...): informatic material used for navigation; IP adress, password (hashed):To improve the navigation on the website: connexion and utilisation datas,
ton conduct optional satisfaction surveys on https://www.poral.fr/: email address.
to conduct communication campaigns (email, SMS): phone number, email address
https://www.poral.fr/ do not commercialize personal datas which are used uniquely for necessity or for statistics and analysis means.
1.3 acess, rectification, and opposition rights.
In accordance with the European regulation in effect, users of https://www.poral.fr/ have the following rights:
Acces right (article 15 RGPD) and rectification (Article 16 RGPD), update, completeness of the user's datas, lock or erase datas rights of users, users with personal characrer (article 17 of RGPS), when they are inexact, incompletes, equivocal, expired, or whose collection, use, disclosure or retention prohibited
Right to withdraw at any moment a consent (article 13-2c RGPD)
Right to limit the users datas treatment (article 18 RGPD)
Right to oppose to the users datas treatment (article 21 RGPD)
Right to portability of datas that users have provided, chen these datas are subject to automised treatment based on thei consent or on a contract (article 20 RGPD)
Right to define the fate of users datas after their death and to choose to who https://www.poral.fr/ will have to communicate (or no) their datas to a third party which he will previously designated.
As soon as https://www.poral.fr/ is aware of the death of one user and in default of instruction from his part, https://www.poral.fr/ commits to destroy his datas, exept if there conversation proves necessary for evidentiary purposes or to answer to a legal obligation.
If user wishes to know how https://www.poral.fr/ uses his personal datas, ask to rectify or opposes to their treatment, user can contact https://www.poral.fr in writing at the following address:
PORAL - DPO, Mme. GRAND Morgane
Voie des collines - 38800 le Pont-de-Claix.
In this case, the user must indicate personal datas that he wishes https://www.poral.fr/ correct, update, or delete, by identifying himself precisely with a copy of an ID (identity card or passport)
Deletion request for personal datas will be submitted to obligations who are imposed to https://www.poral.fr/ by the law, notably concerning conserving of archiving documents. Lastly users of https://www.poral.fr/ can file a claim near the control authority, and notably of the CNIL (https://www.poral.fr/)
1.4 Personal datas non-communication
https://www.poral.fr/ prohibits to treat, host or transfer collected information on clients to a country located outside of the European union or known as "non-adequate" by the European commission without informing the client. However, https://www.poral.fr/ stray free of the choice of its technical subtractor and commercial to the condition that they present sufficient guarantees regarding the requrements of the General Regulations of Datas Protection (RGPD: n°2016-679)
https://www.poral.fr/ commits to take every necessary precaution to preserve the information security and notably that they aren't communicated to non-authorized persons. However, if an incident impacxting user's integrity or confidentiality is bought to the attention of https://www.poral.fr/, this one will have to inform the client in the best time limit and to communicate to him the corrective measures taken. Moreover https://www.poral.fr/ does not collect "sensible datas".
Personal datas of the user can be treated by the subsidiaries of https://www.poral.Fr/ and subcontractors (services providers), exclusively to realise the finalities of this policy.
In the limit of their respective attributions and for the puposes recalled above, the main persons susceptible to have access to the datas of users of https://www.poral.fr/ are principally agent of our client services.
1.5 Types of collected datas.
Concerning users of the website https://www.poral.fr/, we are collecting the following datas who are essentials to the service functioning, and that will be conserved during a maximal period of 36 months after the end of the contractual relation.
Name, first name, company, address, email, phone number
2. Incident notification
Whatever the furnished efforts, none of the transmission efforts on internet and none of the electronical stock method is completely sure. In consequence we cannot guarantee an absolute security. If we become aware of a breach of the security, we'll warn the concerned users so they can take appropriate measures. Our incident notification procedures take note of our legal obligations, that they are the national or European level. We commit to inform our client of all relevant questions for the security of their accounts and to provide every necessary information to help they respect their own regulatory obligations in terms of reporting.
None of the user's personal information of the website https://www.poral.fr/ is published without the user's knowledge, traded, transfered, ceded, or sold on any support to a third party. Only the hypothesis of redemption of https://www.poral.fr/ and its rights would allow the transmission of the information to the possible buyer who will be held to the same obligations of the datas conservation and modification towards the user of the website https://www.poral.fr.
To ensure the security and confidentiality of personal datas and health personal datas, https://www.poral.fr/, uses protected networks by standard devices ad a firewall, pseudonymisation, encryption and password.
During the personal datas treatment, https://www.poral.fr/ takes every reasonnable measures to protect against every loss, diverted utilisiation, non-authorized access, divulgation, alteration, or destruction.
3. "Cookies" hypertext link, and internet "tags"
The website https://www.poral.fr/ contains a certain number of hypertext links towards other websites, setup with the authorisation of https://www.poral.fr/. However, https://www.poral.fr/ does not have a possibility to verify the content of visited websites, knowing than this can reduce or to prevent accessibility to all or a part of the proposed services by the website.
Unless you decide to disable cookies, you agree that the website can use them. You can deactivate these cookies at any time, free of charge, using the deactivation options offered to you and recalled below, knowing that this may reduce or prevent accessibility to all or part of the services offered by the website.
3.1. « COOKIES »
A "cookie" is a little information file send to the bowser or the user and saved within the user's terminal (ex: computer, smartphones...). This file includes information as the user's domain name, the user's access to internet supplier, user's exploitation system, thus the date and hour of the access. Cookies do not tisk in any case to damage the user's terminal.
https://www.poral.fr/ is susceptible to treat user's informations concerning his website visit, as consulted pages, research carried out. These informations allow https://www.poral.fr/ to improve the website content, of the user's navigation.
Cookies facilitate the navigation and/or the provision of the services offered by the website. User can configure the bowser so it can allow him to choose wether he wants to accept them or not so that- cookies are recorded in the terminal or, on the contraryn that they are rejected, either systematically or according to their issuer. User can also configure how boawser whereby acceptance or refusal of cookies can be offered to him ponctually before a cookie can be susceptible to be saved in his terminal. Https://www.poral.fr/ inform the user that, in this case, it may have functionalities in his bowser software that are not availlable.
If user refuses the saving of cookies in his terminal or his bowser, or if the user delete those who are already saved, user will be informed that his navigation and his experience on the website can be limited. This could be the case while https://www.poral.fr/ or one of his providers can not recognize, for technical accounting means, the type of bowser used by the terminal, language and display or country settings.
If applicable, https://www.poral.fr/ decline all responsability to every consequences linkedto the degraded operation of the website and its services proposed by https://www.poral.fr/, resulting (i) in the refusal of cookies by the user (ii) from the impossibility for https://www.poral.fr/ to save or consult necessary cookied to their functioning from the choice of the user. For the management of cookies and user's choices, setting of every bowser is different. It is described in the help menu of the bowser; it will allow to know which manner user can change his choices in terms of cookies.
At every moment, user can make the choice to express and to modify his whishes in terms of cookies. https://www.poral.fr/ will be able to appeal to extern providers services to help him collect and treat information described in his section.
Cliquing on dedicated icons for social medias Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google plus, figuring on the website of https://www.poral.fr/ or in its mobile application and if the user accept the cookie drop persuing the bowser or the mobile application of https://www.poral.fr/, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google plus can deposit some cookies on your terminals (computers, tablet, phones).
These tyoes of cookies aren't placed on your terminals only with the condition that you consent, continuing your navigation on the website or the mobile application of https://www.poral.fr/. At any moment, user can come back on his consent.
3.2. Internet "TAGS"
https://www.poral.fr/ can occasionally employ internet beacons (equally named "tags" or action beacons, one pixel GIF, transparent GIG, invisible GIF, and one to one GIG and deploy them by the intermediate of a partner specialist in web analysing likely to be (and so stoking corresponding informations, including user's IP address) in a foreign country.
These tags are placed both in online advertising allowing internet users to access the website, and on yhe various pages on the website.
This technology allows https://www.poral.fr/ to evaluate visitor's response to the website and the effectiveness of its actions (for example, the number of times a page is opened, and the information consulted), as well as the use of the website by the user.
The external service provider may possibly collect information on visitors to the website and other websites using these tags, compile on website activity for the attention of https://www.poral.fr/, and provide other services relating to the use of this and the internet.