Since 2017, PORAL has been working on Metal Binder Jetting

From drawing to final part, without tooling!

• Strong value added parts with complex geometry.

• Large series (10 – 100.000 parts).

• High Surface quality.

• Wide range of eligible material (sinterable).

• Cost effective process

Access to numerous markets/applications:

- luxury

- sport

- naval

- automotive

- aerospace


• High value design

• No manufacturing bracket

• Productivity: High speed of

manufacturing, parts stacking

• Raw surface quality

Current Materials:

Matures: Stainless Steel 316L and 17-4PH

Ongoing development: TA6V, Inconel, Copper, 42CD4, H13

MBJ machine specifications:

- Résolution: 0.035 mm

- Accuracy: ± 0.06 mm

- Surface quality: Sa < 6μm, Sz < 50μm

- Limited size: 0 to X00g, 100mm in the main direction

- Shrinkage control

Additive Manufacturing process in 2 steps, from metal powder

shapping + sintering

shrinkage control is very important

Poral’s partnerships for metal additive manufacturing:

- R&D material

- Process development

- Industrialisation

- Skill improvement

- New application study